A quit smoking app designed to make the quitting process more enjoyable by integrating gamification and social elements. Users can track their progress, gain community support, and interact with in-game customization elements earned by completing health related missions.
January 2024 - February 2024
Individual Project
UX/UI Designer, Researcher
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Pollfish (Survey)
Imagine AI Art Generator
A quit smoking app might not typically rank high on the list of personal UX projects for many individuals. However, my perspective shifted dramatically upon receiving my 2024 medical report. Despite never being a heavy smoker, just occasionally indulging with friends during social gatherings, I was taken aback by my annual checkup revealing minor signs of lung contamination. Consequently, panic set in, propelling me to seek out solutions to quit smoking and vaping. It was during this search that I stepped upon quit smoking apps...
Background Research
Tobacco Kills Up To Half of Its Users That Don't Quit
World Health Organization
Adherence to App Features Influences Quit Rates
Regmi K, Kassim N, Ahmad N, Tuah NA. (2017)
Young adults are more likely to start quitting 
Messer K, Trinidad DR, Al-Delaimy WK, Pierce JP. (2008)
Drawing from the background research and findings, I've come up with the idea of gamifying the quit smoking app. This involves incorporating a leaderboard feature where users can compete for in-app currency, earned by accomplishing healthy activities and making progress in their quitting journey. The competitive aspect aims to enhance user adherence to app and, ultimately, increase the success rate of quitting.

Additionally, the app will include functions such as financial, progress, and health trackers. These features will visually demonstrate users' savings and health improvements over time, serving as motivational tools to encourage them to stay committed to their quit smoking goals.
Competitor Analysis
"Learn from what already exists, both the good and the bad"
Smoke Free
今日抽烟 (Smoke Today)
Quit Smoking
Most popular
Backed by medical research team
Consistent, clear UX/UI design
Tracks amount of times smoked
Provides social feature
Documents amount of money spent each time smoking
Mini games to play to cope with craving
Free app
Lots of articles and resources available in app
Most functions require payment or subscription
Chat bot does not work well
Useless social feature as people are just posting themselves, not relating to quit smoking
Confusing UX/UI design
Repetitive and confusing UI design
User Survey
Many young adults got into cigarettes through vaping. Showing the app needs to focus on both quit vaping and smoking.
75% of participants choose “social smoker” as their main reason for smoking/vaping.
60% of participants either choose “failed to quit” or “never attempted to quit”, with 66.6% of “never attempted to quit” wanting to quit one day.
Most want to quit to improve overall health and lower risks of cancer, with the second most being saving money.
Most people who attempted quitting found fighting nicotine cravings most challenging, followed by feeling antsy/anxious/restless.
Time tracking, trophy/medal system, financial tracker, and health tracker are the 4 most popular functions of quit smoking app.
Many young adults got into cigarettes through vaping. Showing the app needs to focus on both quit vaping and smoking.
75% of participants choose “social smoker” as their main reason for smoking/vaping.
60% of participants either choose “failed to quit” or “never attempted to quit”, with 66.6% of “never attempted to quit” wanting to quit one day.
Most want to quit to improve overall health and lower risks of cancer, with the second most being saving money.
Most people who attempted quitting found fighting nicotine cravings most challenging, followed by feeling antsy/anxious/restless.
Time tracking, trophy/medal system, financial tracker, and health tracker are the 4 most popular functions of quit smoking app.
User Persona
Hard Working College Student:  Alex Park
Struggles to quit smoking due to high levels of stress from university and family
Would like to quit to gain back his health and stamina and prepare for joining the military
Social Animal:  Alysha Williams
Struggles to quit smoking due to frequent social activities and friends with similar habits
Would like to quit for the better of her health and develop healthier habits
User Journey Map
Low-Fidelity Prototype
“Jotting down quick ideas and see where it takes me”
High-Fidelity Prototype
Home Screen Iterations
Goal Screen Iterations
Home Screen Iterations
Final Product
Login/Sign Up
The home screen provides access to subpages such as island customization and shop, leaderboard, and anti-craving games. Hamburger menu is situated at the top left of the app providing other useful functions.
Home: Closer Look at the Sub-Pages
The customize page gives users full island customization options along with access to the shop to purchase more decorations. Anti-craving games provides a selection of mini-games to distract users when craving hits. The leaderboard is ranked by the amount of purple coins each player owns.
The goals page provides access to the calendar and mission function. The users are able to check all the available missions and drag them into the calendar slots to plan for it. Each mission awards the users with some amount of coins after completion, where the amount of coins rewarded is based on the difficulty of the mission.
The community page consists of two main pages: forum and chat. The forum page presents all of the blogs and articles posted by users regarding their experience with quitting and also professionals with educational articles regarding the topic (verified). The chat feature allows users to add friends and communicate with them through the app. They are able to share articles from the forum page with each other or in a group. This feature allows users who are going through similar phases to connect and share the experience.
The achievement page lists out all of the achievements/progress/rewards the users have along with the ones they have yet to claim. This page acts as an motivational factor for the users by clearly demonstrating their success and how far they’ve come. The medals and achievements earned can also be compared to friends to evoke friendly competition, benefiting both parties’ health and success.
UI Elements
With this being my first ever solo, non-university, UX project, it was difficult at first figuring out what to do and what steps to take. Even though the initial research and exploration process was laborious, it really helped me gain a better insight into the full UX process along with a much better fluency in softwares such as figma and Illustrator.
Learnings and Future Improvements
Reflecting back to the project at the time of building this portfolio, there are many changes and improvements I would implement in benefiting the overall design. Examples such as consistency, alignment, and color, just to name a few. The survey also had its downside of not having enough participates. Out of the 47 participants, only 21 of them smoked or vaped before (not complaining about more healthy friends), of which the data was collected from. If I was to do this project over again, I would be much clearer on the steps and process of building the app and will try to expand the verity of people taking the survey. However, I am still grateful that I’ve decided to attempt this project, I’ve gained so much skills and theories that are applicable on my future works.
Key Take-aways
Improved proficiency in design softwares such as Figma, Illustrator...
Alignment, color, typography, consistency design choices
UX Research methodologies
Demographic research/understanding potential users
Market research and competitor analysis
Iterate, feedback, reflect. Repeat.
Have a go at the prototype!